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Our Values

The values P &C brings are stemmed from several key areas:  

Belief in the value of a child`s worth


Creation and support of a safe environment


encouragement of  a kid`s development and joy


Providing a homey and familiar environment for infants and kids


appreciation of the gift children are to parents and the giftedness each has


Modeling and encouraging good character and responsibility

Our Culture

The culture is one that espouses guiding Christian principles, a strong desire and sense for safety, and a comfortable environment for children. P&C believes in value, early and good basic training of kids such that they become aware and prepared for regular schooling. P&C has a progressive culture that believes in advancing and using aids to assist in child development. It also believes in and supports business enhancement, employee satisfaction, and love for caring for children.



We make every effort to be contemporary with school and childcare designs, combined with insight from the best in the fields of learning in the industry. Care and commitment are devoted to early education and development, technology, ergonomics, and environmental design and awareness.

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